WAHO Trophy
Each WAHO Member Society/Registry has been advised that they should choose one living Arabian horse each year, bred and still domiciled in that country and registered in that country’s WAHO approved stud book, which in the opinion of the Board or Committee Members deserves to be presented with this award for a particular achievement. Ideally, WAHO has requested that they should look for an Arabian horse which has itself in some way been an excellent “ambassador” for the breed or, in the case of older horses, has achieved the same through its immediate progeny.
WAHO Trophy 2012
WAHO trophy 2012 delas ut till Poem
WAHO Trophy 2010
WAHO trophy 2010 delas ut till Elit-premierade stoet Galadriel
WAHO Trophy 2009
WAHO trophy 2009 delas ut till Diesel
WAHO Trophy 2008
WAHO trophy 2008 delas ut till Maskarada